Reiki First Degree
Wow! What can I say? The First degree Reiki course has been a truly enlightening experience.
Jane is extremely professional and explains each part of the process in a very clear way. She had a warm approach and drew on her own experiences in order to give me the maximum understanding of how Reiki works.
I was at a point in my life where something was needed to lift the pressures and what seemed like the disappointments of life. It is amazing how this whole process can turn around your thinking into much more powerful, positive and proactive intentions. My stressful job seems a little more manageable, decisions that needed to be made (like whether to stay where we live or move), have now been made and I am feeling more of a flow in my life. I can now feel excited about the possibilities and not worried by them, especially as I know the decision feels completely right. I know that the Reiki training has set me on this path. I am really looking forward to completing the Reiki second degree course. Thank you Jane. Cari - Wiltshire

Reiki Jane
Cari - Wiltshire