Your thoughts are vibrations…
Thoughts are vibrations – positive and negative… be careful what you are thinking!
About Reiki Drumming
Reiki drumming brings Reiki and shamanic medicine drumming together. Reiki drumming™ (formed by Michael Arthur Baird of the Infinite Light Healing Studies Centre) is still quite new to the UK. Tribal cultures have used the ancient practice of drumming for healing and meditation, using the power of sound for the mind, body and spirit. How… Read more
Just for today… Reiki healing affirmation cards
NEW! A beautiful set of 53 positive affirmation and inspirational cards £15.50 plus P&P Created by Jane for use with Reiki clients and students as a focus for the day. Inspired by the Usui Precepts, designed for today’s hectic life. Bridge sized cards (2.25 inches x 3.5 inches) that come in a clear plastic… Read more
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Infuse your Christmas dinner with Reiki!
Energise your food and drink with an infusion of Reiki… Enhance and energise your (and your pet’s) food and drink this festive season using Reiki.Send Reiki to everything that you prepare for yourself and others, whether it is a simple glass of water or a three to five course dinner (and don’t forget the wine),… Read more
Cleanse your home with Reiki
As a Reiki Jane student you know and understand my obsession about making yourself the clearest Reiki channel you can be, using the various meditations and methods that you learn during my courses. We talk about protection and grounding when we start the day and keeping ourselves protected from negativity throughout the day. But how… Read more
Just for today…
drink more water
Just for today…
be the best person you truly are
Four steps to combining Reiki with EFT
I often use Reiki when doing EFT and find that it gives me a quicker release from the emotions that I am tapping on. Here is how I use the two together: STEP ONE First of all, tune into the Reiki energy and if you have time, give yourself a mini Reiki self-treatment to start… Read more
Mindful Reiki
Mindful Reiki – Being in the Present Moment My Definition of Mindfulness: ‘A state of mind where you focus on the present moment at the same time noticing your senses; sights, sounds, smells, feelings and thoughts but letting them pass by like clouds.’ Being in the Present Moment Originating from ancient Buddhist practice, being in… Read more