All that we are is the result of what we have thought.’
Creating abundance with Reiki aligns with the Reiki Precept: ‘Just for today do not worry…’ Being in a state of gratitude and being thankful for what you have in your life today, in this present moment.
Simply being grateful will always bring you a feeling of abundance.

EFT (emotional freedom technique) and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) both demonstrate that our thoughts and emotions affect our wellbeing and our ability to attract both positive and negative energy.
What you perceive is what you receive!
If you think positive thoughts (positive energy), you will attract positive outcomes. If your thoughts are negative (negative energy), then you are more likely to attract negative outcomes. As you are always working with energy, especially when using Reiki, you have to be in a state of clear, positive, abundant vibration to allow the Reiki energy to flow freely to wherever it is needed.
Your thoughts and words are extremely powerful so it is helpful to be aware of them and change them if they are inconsistent with what you are intending to achieve. The more you repeat your words (mantras, affirmations) and thoughts, the more likely they are to eventually manifest as part of your belief system.
What does abundance mean to you?
Abundance is everywhere, but can mean one thing to one person but something entirely different to another. Here are examples of types of abundance:
- Money
- Material goods
- Being in nature
- Loving relationships
- Good health and wellbeing
- Enjoying nutritious food
- Career
- Working on your life mission
- Spirituality
- Love
- Peace
- Joy
Your Current Beliefs
Your beliefs (created by thoughts, words and actions) can hold you back in your desire for abundance, so it is helpful to identify these beliefs in order to let them go.
What beliefs do you currently hold that are restricting your progress? What are you affirming daily through your thoughts, words and actions that enforces a negative energy around you, limiting your achievements?
Here are a couple of Reiki exercises that can help you identify any negative thoughts that you are holding on to and help you to focus on your true intentions and desires using Reiki and Creating Abundance affirmations.
Using positive affirmations daily can help to change your state of being and keep you uplifted, providing you with an opportunity to change your belief system over time.
Exercise One: Working with Reiki and Creating Abundance Affirmations
Take some quiet time out with your journal and pen.
Write a list of any thoughts that you believe are holding you back that you would like to change to be more positive and help you move forward in life.
Intentions and Desires
- Now write down anything that you would like to attract into your life that would bring you more abundance, love, contentment, happiness and peace.
- Write down what you believe would enhance your life to support you and those around you. Remember that being a Reiki practitioner, your Reiki healing is always for the greatest good of all concerned.
How is what you desire in your life going to achieve this?
Bringing in Reiki
Once you have your Intentions and Desires List, place your list between your hands and take a few deep breaths, connecting to the Reiki energy.
Ask your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels to join you and protect you throughout your Reiki session.
At Reiki First Degree level, you will simply let the Reiki energy flow down through your crown chakra, down to your Tanden and flow back out through your hands into your list of desires and intentions.
At Reiki Second Degree level, connect to the distant symbol followed by the mental / emotional symbol and the power symbol, visualising the Reiki energy flowing down through your crown chakra, down to your Tanden and flow back out through your hands into your list of desires and intentions.
At Reiki Master level, connect with the Usui master, Tibetan master, distant symbol, mental / emotional symbol and the power symbol. Visualise the Reiki energy flowing down through your crown chakra, down to your Tanden and flow back out through your hands into your list of desires and intentions.
As you send Reiki to your list, bring to mind everything that you are grateful for and everything that will come to you when the time is right. Having an attitude of gratitude will help to release any stuck negative energy.
Once the Reiki energy dissipates, bring your hands into Gassho and thank your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels for supporting you during your Reiki session.
Power of Numbers
Carry out this creating abundance with Reiki ritual for a minimum of seven consecutive days, but preferably for twenty-one days as you do for your self-cleansing ritual.
Power of using Creating Abundance Affirmations
In combination with the above ritual, it is helpful to work with daily affirmations or mantra’s as this is a quick way of creating and re-affirming positive thoughts every day. An affirmation stated as a mantra can often change the mood or ‘state’ that you are in, dissipating and preventing negative thought patterns.
My Creating Abundance Card Deck includes 53 positive abundance affirmations to help you create positive thoughts, intentions and beliefs about your ability to create abundance and the life you truly desire.
The Creating Abundance affirmations can be stated out loud or silently to yourself three times each time you look at the card.

please click the link below.
These cards also complement the Online Course Money Reiki.
Exercise 2: Using Creating Abundance Cards with Reiki
If you want a quick Reiki boost with a focus on creating abundance, you can shuffle the cards and pick a card to meditate with. Or you can select a card that suits your focus at the time.
Bringing in Reiki
As above, once you have selected your creating abundance card, place the card between your hands and take a few deep breaths, connecting to the Reiki energy.
Ask your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels to join you and protect you throughout your Reiki session.
As you send the powerful healing Reiki energy to your affirmation, consider how this affirmation feels to you, what does it bring to mind? Are there any insights as to how you might make changes to enhance the natural flow of abundance in your life?
Let the Reiki flow naturally until the energy dissipates. To close, bring your hands into Gassho and thank your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels for supporting you during your Reiki session.
I hope you enjoyed your creating abundance with Reiki sessions!