Reiki Jane offers distant Reiki attunements and empowerments to students / practitioners to those who have taken Reiki courses elsewhere.
If you have not taken Reiki Jane Reiki courses you will need to provide eivdence of the Reiki level that you have achieved or are working towards, prior to receiving the distant attunement.
Attunements and empowerments will be carried out remotely and received as a Chi Ball. Three attunements or empowerments will be given and can be received at a time to suit you. The attunements and empowerments can be accessed one at a time or all three together.
There is also an option to receive the attunement or empowerment as a Live Distant Appointment where you will receive the attunement or empowerment at the same time Jane carries out the process.
A certificate of completion of the attunement or empowerment can be provided if required.
Levels of attunement available
Reiju empowerment
Reiki First Degree
Reiki Second Degree
Reiki Master
Chi Ball £30
Live Distant Appointment £60
Contact jane@reikijane.co.uk to book or to discuss your requirements further.