I often use Reiki when doing EFT and find that it gives me a quicker release from the emotions that I am tapping on. Here is how I use the two together:
First of all, tune into the Reiki energy and if you have time, give yourself a mini Reiki self-treatment to start the energy flowing.
Charge your fingertips with Reiki energy – at Reiki I level simply visualise the Reiki energy coming from your fingertips.
At Reiki II level draw CKR over your fingertips for physical issues, SHK for emotional issues and HSZSN for anything that is troubling you from a distance.
At Master level visualise Usui Master symbol over your fingertips or simply intend that the Reiki energy will be flowing through your fingertips as you tap.
Then start tapping to work on the specific issue(s) that you want to deal with.
Finish off with a couple of deep breaths and a little more self-healing.
It works wonders!
If you would like to know more about EFT or would like to have a treatment with EFT or Reiki please contact me on 07798 846191 or email: jane@reikijane.co.uk