Release everything that no longer serves you to raise your vibration

The January 2021 Full Moon (also known as the Wolf Moon as named by the Native American Indians) is visible in the UK 7.15 pm Thurs 28th January 2021.
The Wolf energy gives us an opportunity to regain our personal power, to re-balance and take back control of our lives. It is time to look at those we trust and ask ‘are they being truthful to me, or is there another motive?’ Step away from those who are no longer supportive or providing encouragement.
Take time out in peace and quiet to re-discover your true dreams and desires. Be prepared to stand up for yourself and be confident. Take that giant leap into your future. You can do it!
Select a ‘Just for Today’ card such as ‘listen to my higher self and take action’ and meditate on the message for 5 minutes. See where it takes you!
Carry out your Full Moon guided meditation to help you release from the ties that are binding you and start to focus on the future. What is it that you really want? Who do you really want to become? What are the things that really make you happy? What can you do today, right now, that will re-energise you and give you a sense of direction and wellbeing?
Here is the link to download my Full Moon guided meditation MP3.
Enjoy this powerful opportunity to make positive change with the Full Moon!