As Reiki practitioners we have to take care of ourselves first and do what is right for us before we look to help others. This is to ensure that we are free of negative energy, be the clearest channel and spread the light and love of Reiki to our relationships.
Every one of us has our own life path to follow and Reiki helps to highlight things that need healing and changing along the way. Relationships have their own unique energy created by two people with their respective energies and as such, the relationship becomes a separate living essence. In an idea world, the relationship is nurtured daily and becomes a place where both parties can live, develop and grow together in peace and harmony.
Sometimes we find imbalance in the relationship where our separate energies are not in alignment. There can be many reasons for this including;
- partner wants something different from life
- lack of respect
- fear of a dominant partner
- power struggle between each other
- lack of trust
- long term illness
- financial concerns
- redundancy / retirement
and so on. If issues are not resolved, the relationship becomes unhealthy.
This is where we can use Reiki to help heal or re-balance those energies – always bearing in mind that each person has his or her own free will choice of course!
Bringing in Reiki
Reiki can be used to help heal the root cause of the issue, help in finding a way to clear the path and start to find clarity about how to move forward, whether together or separately.
Here is something you might like to try:
Find a photo of your partner, or a photo of you both.
You could also combine your Reiki with an affirmation such as the one below:

available here:
1. Connect with Reiki energy and ask your Reiki guides, Archangels (particularly Chamuel who is the angel of love and Raphael, the angel of healing) to join you, to protect you and help you both throughout the Reiki session.
Ask your guides and angels that they help you with healing this relationship (state your name and your partner’s name) and that they provide their enlightened guidance on what areas of the relationship need to be cleansed and re-balanced so that you both continue to grow and move forward for the highest good of all concerned in love, light and healing.
2. Draw the Distant Healing symbol to connect you with your partner, followed by the Mental / Emotional symbol. You can use the Master DKM if you have been attuned to it.
3. Draw Reiki symbols over the photo (you can use the Master symbols if you wish) but use the Distant and Mental / Emotional symbol as well as this will connect to the person and will focus the energy on the mind and emotional centres (heart and solar plexus).
4. As the Reiki begins to flow, hold the photo(s) in your hands (together with the affirmation card if you choose to use it).
5. Now let the energy flow for as long as you feel the connection. You could repeat this process every day for 21 days with shorter sessions as you are guided.
6. Once the Reiki energy starts to dissipate, disconnect from the Reiki energy. Thank the Angels and Reiki guides for all their help and support.
7. Take a drink of water,.
8. Write notes in journal if you feel that helps and carry on with your day.
You might also want to revisit the Chakra Cleanse and Balance Guided Meditation MP3 click here: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/chakra-cleanse-and-balance-guided-meditation-mp3/
as this is a good daily meditation for self cleansing and releasing energetic blocks.
Until next time… Reiki Jane