Its that time of year again to shop, eat, drink and have fun with friends and family. If like me, you have been busy getting ready for the ‘big day’ and spending most of your spare time shopping, wrapping gifts, preparing menus and buying food you are probably getting a bit tired and feeling ready for a rest. But that comes later.
As Reiki healers we are very good at giving healing and relaxation to everyone else first! This year, think about giving yourself some ‘me’ time in between your busy-ness and go find a comfortable chair…
- Sit quietly for few minutes, take a few deep breaths and relax
- Clear your mind of what you ‘should’ be doing next – it can wait for 10 minutes!
- Place your hands on your lap, palms up and tune into the Reiki healing energy
- As you breathe in, feel the white healing energy coming into your hands and through your body down to your tanden
- When you breathe out, see the energy flowing through you and out into the Universe
- As the healing energy moves in and out through your body, let it go to where you feel any tension and concentrate on that area, visualising the white healing light removing the tension, taking away any aches or pains
- If you feel that you need to put your hands on a particular ‘hot spot’ just move your hands to that place and keep them there until you feel a shift in the energy
- After a few minutes (I find that 7 minutes is usually good for me), simply bring your hands into Gassho, thank the Universe for your healing and close yourself down.
- Bring yourself back to the room, stand up and take a sip or two of water and continue with your day.
You will feel refreshed and ready to carry on!
Repeat as often as needed and at least once a day during the holiday period!
Have a lovely rest and be ready for a fabulous New Year!
In love, light, peace and harmony.
Reiki Jane