The Reiki Precepts
by Mikao Usui
Just for today… do not worry
The second Precept is another example of how we should endeavour to live each day, reflecting upon how we can improve the way we think, feel and behave in order to live a more balanced, contented and enjoyable life, encouraging others to do the same.
As we work through the Reiki Precept do not worry… think about the things that you tend to worry about. The things that you fear might or might not happen in the future. What benefit do you get by worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet (or might not ever happen)? How much energy do you use to worry about something? Is it a good use of your time and effort? Could you use that energy on something that adds more value to your life right now?
The following outlines what worry is and how it affects our health and wellbeing (balance), what you can do to help yourself stop worrying using Reiki, Crystals, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Meditation and Affirmations. At least one of these techniques can be used quickly and effectively any time you start to worry about something or someone. The key point is to be able to allow your ‘balanced state’ to be recovered as quickly as possible to reduce any negative impact on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
At the bottom of the article, you will find your Personal Action Plan which I encourage you to complete as it will help you to focus on your worry but in a problem solving mode that will help you to stop worrying about something that might not happen and if it does, you will have some answers ready!
What is worry and how does it affect you?
Worry is defined as a state of feeling anxious or something / someone causing anxiety, worry disturbs a peaceful mind.
As with stress, worry sends you into a state of ‘fight or flight’ as it triggers the brain to produce the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline in preparation for taking physical action. As you are unlikely to be able to run away or fight the thing that is worrying you in the 21st Century, these hormones are not used and remain in the bloodstream.
Over time and with more things to worry about, physical ailments start to appear such as the risk of heart attacks, strokes, stomach ulcers, depression, lowered immune system, poor diet, various aches, pains and poor concentration.
How can you help yourself to overcome worry naturally?
By using Reiki!
If you notice that you are starting to worry about something:
- Connect to the Reiki healing energy.
- Place your hands in Gassho (Prayer Position) and hold them at the Heart Chakra.
- Take three deep breaths.
- Then place your hands on your Third Eye Chakra – this Chakra is associated with the mind, intuition and psychic abilities. By sending Reiki to the Third Eye you are helping your mind relax and to improve your mood and to help with sleep patterns.
- When you are ready, place your hands on your Crown Chakra – this will help you with the physical outcomes related to worry, such as headaches.
- When you have finished, bring your hands back into Gassho and ask the Universe for assistance with healing your worries and trust that everything will be fine.
- Take three more deep breaths and relax.
Meditation is a wonderful way to relax and calm the mind. You can use it to let go of your worrying situation, just breathe and visualise your concerns just drifting away into the Universe without harm to any living being. It will help you to experience a sense of peace. Even a few minutes sitting quietly will help put you into a different and more relaxed state.
Crystals are very grounding when held during meditation or when you just need to re-focus your thoughts. Simply hold the crystal in the left hand with any point facing up your left arm and take some deep breaths. Then focus on the crystal itself and concentrate on its colour, how it feels, the energy that is coming from it and anything else that you notice about the crystal. Often you can notice thoughts that might help the situation you are in. Crystals to use for worry include:
- Amethyst – relates to the Third Eye Chakra and has a calming influence and will help you with any type of change you might be going through. It is good for absorbing negative energy.
- Clear Quartz – relates to the Crown Chakra and helps with positive thoughts and energy. It also provides clarity to your thoughts. It will help to re-balance you and remove feelings of self doubt.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Using EFT when you start to worry can help to change your emotional ‘state’ so that you can take time to think differently about the situation.
The minute you start to worry, just take a deep breath and then start tapping on each of the following points:
Karate Chop Point
even though I am feeling really worried about xyz, I am OK with this
Eye Brow
it is OK for me to feel worried
Side of Eye
but I know I can’t do anything about the situation / person
Under Eye
and I know I can choose to feel differently about this situation / person easily and quickly
Under Nose
I will let go of this worry right now
and in letting go of this worry I can be at peace with myself
Top of Head
and all those who are involved in the situation
Gamut Point
I know that this situation and all the worry that I have had will work out just as it is meant to and for the good of all concerned, I can now let all the worrying go, without any fear
To Finish
Put your hands together, look up, look down, look right, look left and circle your eyes clockwise and then anticlockwise.
Take a couple of deep breaths and relax. Repeat the above steps as often as you like and notice the physical and emotional changes that take place.
Affirmations are great at helping you to change your perspective on things that are happening around you. You can use them to put into your EFT round of tapping so that you can create a different ‘feeling’ about the situation or you can simply choose one of them and say it to yourself until you are calmer and have a different feeling or thoughts about your worries.
- I love myself
- I am capable of solving all my problems easily
- I am safe
- I always focus on the ‘present’, the here and now
- Tomorrow will take care of itself
- I look forward to each new day with excitement and joy
Just for today, choose something that is a worry for you and decide not to worry about it! Just take a few minutes and write down the worry that you have and then write a list below of what the worst case scenarios are if all your fears were to come true.
Then look at each case and ask yourself ‘if this happened, then how would I deal with it?’ It is surprising how worrying about something and working through the imagined outcomes in problem solving mode can quickly help you to stop the worrying and know that everything will be OK -regardless of what eventually happens!
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I hope this helps! Until next time….