Learn new skills in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace with qualified personal tutor support.
Reiki Jane offers a selection of distance learning courses – see below for current courses. You can work on the course materials as and when it is convenient for you. Once you have registered for the course, you will have ongoing email support from Reiki Jane for either 365 or 182 days from the date of registration.

If you are looking to learn Reiki for yourself to help with relaxation, to reduce anxiety or to improve your general wellbeing, this is a great course to start your Reiki journey. Learn in the comfort of your own home at your own pace. Click here to find out more: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/reiki-first-degree-online-course/

If you have successfully completed Reiki First Degree and are looking to continue your Reiki journey then this Reiki Second Degree course is your next step! Click here to find out more: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/reiki-second-degree-online-course/

As a Reiki practitioner, having completed your Reiki First and Second Degree courses, you can now learn how to use Reiki with horses.
nimals respond well to Reiki as a gentle way of dealing with their physical, behavioural and other issues. Reiki provides a natural and effective way of understanding and healing the animal world. Click here to find out more: /https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/equine-reiki-for-reiki-practitioners-online-course/

At Reiki Master level you will be able to work with Reiki on a much deeper level, be able to perform self-empowerments, Reiju empowerments and attunements for others as well as having the opportunity to run your own Reiki classes.
If you want to progress further from the Usui Reiki Master level, you will also qualify to take the Karuna Reiki courses at First, Second and Master levels. Click here to find out more: /https: //www.reikijane.co.uk/product/reiki-master-online-course/

Often we experience energetic blocks to our own success when it comes to the subject of money. Being attuned to the vibration of money and opening up to the universal flow helps you to be more able to manifest money into your life. Click here to find out more: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/money-reiki-levels-i-ii-iii-online-course/

Attraction Reiki is an easy-to-use system that is designed to help you create that “aura of success” that can draw opportunities and positive things to you. Click here to find out more: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/attraction-reiki-online-course/

Learn to meditate to relieve stress and anxiety, become more mindful, enjoy improved sleep and relaxation. Regular meditation will help you become more focused on the positive things in your life and help you resolve issues more easily. Find your inner happy place and bring more peace to your life.
If you are a Reiki practitioner this course will help you to improve your connection with the Reiki energy through the power of daily meditation.
Click here to find out more: https://www.reikijane.co.uk/product/meditate-for-wellbeing-with-reiki/