This is a distant attunement to the healing energies of the Blue Lace Agate.
Reiki Jane will create the attunement as a Chi Ball specifically for you to connect with and start to use the amazing healing energies.
The Chi Ball is available to you from wherever you are and can be accessed whenever you choose to receive the attunement. Once you are attuned, you can access the Chi Ball as many times as you like to refresh your attunement. But of course, the more you work with the stone’s energies, the stronger they will become.
Combining the energies of the Blue Lace Agate with the pure universal life force energy of Reiki can help to produce and enhanced focus to your Reiki healing experience, on a personal level and when treating others.
The blue lace agate is a variety of quartz and is pale blue in colour, usually with banded layers of brighter blue, white and sometimes brown.
Blue lace agate has a gentle soothing, flowing energy and provides a sense of peace and calm. It also helps with emotions. Often used at the throat chakra it encourages opinions to be stated as well as relieving anger. It is a useful energy to help protect you from everyday negativity.
It can also help with:
- bringing about peace and calm
- connecting to the spirit realm
- can help to purity and bring positive renewal
- positivity, optimism and joy
- helps in communication
- protection from negativity
plus much more.
Why be attuned to the crystal energy?
You can be attuned to the crystal energy as a stand alone attunement (you don’t have to be a Reiki practitioner in order to receive the crystal’s energy). Once you are attuned to the energy of the crystal, you can still work with its energies for self healing.
As a Reiki practitioner, being attuned to the crystal energy opens up a further opportunity to enhance the energy of Reiki.
What will you receive?
Included in your attunement will be:
- a Chi Ball attunement to the crystal’s energies which can be accessed multiple times
- a short Crystal Reiki Attunement manual providing information on:
- crystals
- properties of the crystal
- how to use the crystal energies with Reiki
- connecting with the crystal attunement via a Chi Ball
- working with the crystal’s energy
- a certificate confirming the attunement if required
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