We are all one energy, mind, body, heart and spirit. We are all connected.
Channeled by Diane Bellefeuille, a powerful healing energy system that works well combined with Reiki.
Excellent addition for Reiki practitioners who are interested in Native American Tribal Culture, Shamanism, the healing of animals and in finding and working with your power animals.
The difference between Reiki and One Spirit, is that One Spirit connects you to your animal guardians-animal totems and animal spirit guides. It works more with animals and Nature.
You will meet your animal guides and learn how to help heal each other. Learn how to heal the self and work with your power animals to achieve your goals.
You will receive two manuals by Diane Bellefeuille plus a One Spirit Reiki attunement via a Chi Ball sent by Reiki Jane.
Equine Reiki Course

Bryony, Surrey
Bryony, Surrey

Reiki and EFT
Equine Reiki Training

Lesley, Wiltshire
Lesley, Wiltshire

Reiki with crystal healing
Usui & Karuna Reiki Courses and Workshops
I have done several courses with Jane including, Reiki Refresher, Advanced Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master, Animal Reiki and have recently completed Karuna Reiki ® levels 1,2 & Master. Jane is an excellent Reiki Master/Teacher she goes above and beyond and is very supportive and knowledgeable and great to work with, she also runs lots of other workshops, cant wait for the next one.

Karen, Wilts
Karen, Wilts

Reiki Second Degree
Reiki First Degree

Hazel, Wilts
Hazel, Wilts

Reiki Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls


Karuna® Reiki Treatment
Equine Reiki and Reiki Master Courses

Nina, Norway
Nina, Norway

Reiki Attunements

Jo, Devon
Jo, Devon

Reiki First Degree
Jane is extremely professional and explains each part of the process in a very clear way. She had a warm approach and drew on her own experiences in order to give me the maximum understanding of how Reiki works.
I was at a point in my life where something was needed to lift the pressures and what seemed like the disappointments of life. It is amazing how this whole process can turn around your thinking into much more powerful, positive and proactive intentions. My stressful job seems a little more manageable, decisions that needed to be made (like whether to stay where we live or move), have now been made and I am feeling more of a flow in my life. I can now feel excited about the possibilities and not worried by them, especially as I know the decision feels completely right. I know that the Reiki training has set me on this path. I am really looking forward to completing the Reiki second degree course. Thank you Jane. Cari - Wiltshire

Cari - Wiltshire
Cari - Wiltshire

Karuna® Reiki
Reiki Drumming
What good vibrations! My Reiki Drumming treatment was a really powerful and physical experience and I could really feel how the beat of the drum went right through me to my core and worked on my physical issues. I could also hear where I had ‘issues’ which was extraordinary. I enjoy a blast of loud music for the good feeling it gives you, but this treatment takes that to a whole new feel-good level, both physically and mentally. If you’ve never experienced a drum treatment and want to really ‘feel’ Reiki working, then this session is a must!

Lesley, Wiltshire
Lesley, Wiltshire

Equine Reiki Course

Rachel, Wales
Rachel, Wales

Reiki Master Attunements
A wonderful experience visiting Jane for my in-person attunement at Reiki Master level. The reiki energies being channeled through Jane were so pure, clear and powerful. I am blown away! Also Jane was thorough, clear, helpful and so supportive. It was a very special day, a wonderful experience to remember and treasure. Inspirational.


Online Reiki First Degree

Carrie, Herts
Carrie, Herts

Reiki Master Course

Dawn, Wiltshire
Dawn, Wiltshire

Reiki Master Online Course
Wow! Just completed my Reiki Master online course with Reiki Jane and it was amazing! I took my time and found that the course materials were really easy to follow. The related meditations were fabulous and I really enjoyed the Kotodama. The distant Reiki attunements were very powerful and I look forward to seeing Jane in person for my face to face attunements. MyReiki has just gone up a notch and I am really looking forward to working with all my Reiki clients once we can get back together again. Thank you Jane for putting all this together so that we can continue our Reiki journey.

Carolyn, Hants
Carolyn, Hants

Equine Reiki Courses
After a couple of months searching for an Equine Reiki Master / Teacher I eventually found Jane – I felt blessed to have found the right teacher for me. I have now completed Equine Reiki First Degree but have to wait for a while to continue as I am busy foaling.
Jane is very professional trainer, she made me feel very welcome and at ease (even though I was nervous at first). As she takes you through each stage of the training she is always happy to take phone calls and will even email you to see if you are OK. This was lovely for me as at first I didn’t really feel the Reiki energy but felt very tired. However within the week (after my small healing curve) I felt amazing!
Jane is a joy to learn with – you really wouldn’t get a better Reiki Master. I feel as though I have found that special person to help me change my life! This is just a new chapter starting for me and I can’t stop smiling. I am very much looking forward to Equine Reiki Second Degree later in the year. Thank you so much Jane.
So why don’t you phone or email Jane and turn your life around – what can be better than helping yourself and others – even the animals? Denise, True Waters Stud, Wilts

Denise, True Waters Stud, Wilts
Denise, True Waters Stud, Wilts

Karuna® Reiki
Reiki Courses
Karuna Reiki I, II, and Master Course

Brenda, Wiltshire
Brenda, Wiltshire

Reiki Treatment
Reiki with Crystals Workshop

Dawn, Wilts
Dawn, Wilts

Reiki and Crystal Healing
In the October Jane spotted me hobbling about and suggested that I had some Reiki. After the first session my foot felt less painful and the stiffness in my back that I had for years suddenly disappeared. At the end of the six sessions the pain in my foot had complete gone too and I am now back enjoying our walks all thanks to Jane and the Reiki! Rob, Wilts
Reiki Courses
Equine Reiki Course

Kate, Wiltshire
Kate, Wiltshire

Distant Reiki Treatment
Reiki Refresher Courses

Davina, Wilts
Davina, Wilts

Karuna® Reiki Treatment
Previous Reiki sessions had usually come with various colours and shades being seen in my mind but there was none of that with the Karuna session. The Karuna sensation for me was more like a sensation of lightly levitating.
During my experience of Usui Reiki sessions I had felt relaxed particularly on areas that were focused on however, in the Karuna experience together with the light levitation, I felt a very very deep all over relaxation experience and came out very refreshed, calm and this feeling remained with me for the rest of the day. The Karuna Reiki® experience appears to go to a much deeper level compared to the Usui Reiki treatments and was a very refreshing experience. Mark, Wilts
Reiki First and Second Degree Courses

Dawn, Wilts
Dawn, Wilts

Reiki First Degree
The training was excellent, well coordinated from beginning to end. Jane is an amazing Reiki Master teach and I learnt so much in a well supported environment.
Since finishing the 21 day cleanse I have continued with the self treatments and I am amazed at how good I feel! I cannot recommend this training highly enough and I am looking forward to continuing my learning with Jane and study for the Reiki Second Degree. Dawn, Wilts

Reiki and Healing
Reiki First and Second Degree
Distant Reiki Healing
Karuna Reiki I, II, and Master Course

Lauren, Bucks
Lauren, Bucks

Reiki Drumming Treatment

Alex, Wilts
Alex, Wilts

Reiki Refresher Course
Jane offered me a Reiki Refresher Course where I could be re-attuned and she also brought me up to date with a great and well-written comprehensive training manual plus MP3 meditations. Jane was very professional, warm and welcoming and she even introduced me to some Reiki Drumming which was an added bonus. After a great day I left feeling more positive and refreshed and am now armed with enough information and confidence to carry on with my Reiki journey. Thank you so much Jane. Karen, Wilts
Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners Course

Louise, Wiltshire
Louise, Wiltshire

Reiki First and Second Degree Courses
Advanced Reiki Practitioner