Enhancing Your Reiki

When you have taken a Reiki course, you will have received a series of Reiju Empowerments and/or attunements either in person or sent to you from a distance. During a Reiki course you will go through a series of rituals that ‘connect’ you to the Reiki energy. The empowerment allows you to channel energy that was not possible prior to you receiving the empowerment from your Reiki Master. Reiju means ‘connection to the Reiki energy’ and Mikao Usui used the Reiju empowerments with his students. Although the empowerments never weaken, Usui repeated the Reiju empowerments many times over during their studies to enhance intuition and self-healing as well as developing spirituality and improving their sensitivity to the flow of the Reiki energy.
As part of your Reiki Jane course, you will be able to receive a weekly Reiju empowerment. This is available to you all day on a Friday.
How to receive your Reiju Empowerment
Switch off all phones and devices.
Get yourself a glass of water.
Find a place where you will not be disturbed for 10-15 minutes and find a comfortable place to sit.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Bring your hands into Gassho and connect to the Reiki energy, asking your Reiki guide, spirit guides and angels to join you in this process.
Once you start to feel the energy flow, say to yourself ‘I am now ready to receive my Reiju empowerment from Reiki Jane at (state Reiki level, such as Reiki First Degree).
Let any thoughts that you might have simply float by as if they are clouds.
This is time for you to recharge your Reiki and have time out for you!
Once you feel that the energy has started to dissipate you can begin to disconnect from the Reiki energy.
Thank your Reiki guides for helping to strengthen your Reiki.
Bring your hands down into your lap.
Take a couple of deeper breaths and when you are ready, open your eyes.
Have a sip of water and come back into your day feeling energised and refreshed!
Reiki Jane