‘When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.’ Lao Tzu

As we near the end of the year it is a good time to reflect on what we have achieved.
In December I always put some time aside to review my Reiki practise. This helps me to recognise my achievements, assess the things that didn’t go so well during the year and review the lessons that I learnt. Once I have done this, I will then look at setting my goals for my Reiki practise next year.
Reviewing your Reiki journey at least once a year is a great way to see how far you have progressed in relation to:
- Your personal path to enlightenment
- Developing your Reiki healing abilities
- How you have helped others on their path (humans and animals)
- Creating a positive mindset
- Taking care of yourself (mind, body and spirit)
- Learning from your experience
Here is a simple way to carry out your Reiki review – copy the questions and write out your answers in your Reiki Journal so that you can refer back to them often. You might want to update your review on a regular basis.
Before you begin your review, connect to the Reiki energy, call in your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels to help you to focus and concentrate. You can also use the Heavenly Ki symbol SHK to help clear your mind and bring positive thoughts to the process.
Seven Step Reiki Review Process Using the Power of Three
- List three things that went well during the year.
- List three things that didn’t go so well.
- What lessons did you learn? (list at least three things).
- What are the top three goals you would like to achieve next year?
- What are the three things you will start to work on in order to achieve your goals and when will you begin?
- Write down three things that you have been grateful for this year.
- Create three positive affirmations that will help you to remain positive and focused on your goals and desires for next year.
Once you have completed the exercise, take a couple of sips of water, thank your Reiki guides, spirit guides and angels and disconnect from the Reiki energy.
I hope you enjoyed reviewing your Reiki for the year and I wish you every happiness and success for 2021.
In love, light, peace and harmony.
If you are a Reiki Second Degree practitioner and would like to progress on to Reiki Master level there is a Online Home Study Reiki Master Course.
The course is modular with multi-choice questions at the end of each module. You have 365 days online access to the course which means that you can learn at your own pace.
You will receive a distant Reiki Master attunement initially (included in the course fees) and you will be required to attend an in-person Reiki Master Attunement which can be arranged with Reiki Jane in Swindon, Wiltshire, depending upon COVID-19 restrictions (for a small additional fee).
You can source another Reiki Master to attune you in-person if this is more convenient but you must provide a certificate of Usui Reiki Master Level Attunement as part of the course.
For further information please contact jane@reikijane.co.uk