February, the month of love, is the perfect time to nurture self-love and emotional balance. The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the center of love, compassion, and connection. When balanced, it fosters self-acceptance, harmony, and joy. Reiki and crystal singing bowls are two powerful tools to activate and heal the heart chakra. Healing the Heart… Read more
Setting Intentions with Reiki and Meditation
Start your year with clarity and purpose by combining the transformative practices of Reiki and meditation. Learn how to set powerful intentions, use Reiki and Karuna Reiki symbols to empower your goals, and create a positive energetic foundation for the year ahead.
Animals Sense The Reiki Energy
I was wandering around a shop today and could hear people saying hello to the resident dog, patting and fussing him. I couldn’t see him but suddenly there he was – sitting on my feet! He looked up with the knowing look of ‘come on, give me some healing now’. I bent down and could… Read more