What is intuition?
Intuition is an instinctive feeling. Something you are made aware of, or know, without conscious reasoning or analysis. It is your ‘inner voice’. How do you develop your intuition? Unfortunately in today’s busy world we tend not to use our intuition as much as perhaps we should. We make decisions every day but most of those decisions are based on logic and reason. How many times have you made dinner because you had certain ingredients in the fridge. Or because it was Monday it has to be fish and salad for dinner? What if you asked yourself what your body needs for dinner? Would you be cooking something completely different? It is easy to ignore our inner voice or override it with our powers of reasoning. To develop your intuition you can start with easy steps, for example; 1. When you feel hungry, before you go to the fridge or the shops, just sit quietly and ask yourself ‘what food do I really need to provide me with the best nutrition?’ and listen to the first thing that comes to mind. You might be surprised! Often it is water that your body needs, not food, or it could be something else, such as love or support. When feelings of frustration or boredom come along, it is very easy to go and get junk food to eat in order to passify those feelings. Perhaps if you asked yourself ‘what do I really need?’ first and sat quietly for a few seconds, you might find a better answer. It might be that you need to talk to someone, seek advice or even lie down for a while, do some meditation or self-healing with Reiki. Food might just be a substitute for what is missing in your life. 2. Next time you are out shopping and need to make a decision about what to buy, just ask the question ‘what is the best choice here?’ and take a few moments to listen to your intuition. Intuition and Reiki – Reiji Ho Intuition plays a large part in Reiki and is called Reiji Ho, Reiji (indication of the Spirit), Ho (Technique). You focus on being ‘one’ with the energy and listen to your intuition. Usui did not formally use standard hand positions, he just ‘went with the flow’ of Reiki and intuitively placed his hands or used his breath (Koki-Ho) or eyes (Gyoshi Ho) to channel the energy to where it was most needed. Hand positions were created later on to help students focus the Reiki energy. As you connect to the healing energy, you are working with the higher source and when you feel the Reiki energy flowing it is most effective to let your mind be quiet and ask ‘where should I place my hands?’ then listen to where you are guided. Often your hands will ‘automatically’ want to go to certain places and that is where the energy is needed. Simple! How to use Reiji Ho Reiji Ho means that you simply merge and become one with the energy and allow the energy to guide your hands, eyes or breath to the place(s) to treat. Practising Reiji Ho on a daily basis will help you develop your ability to intuit where to treat. Receiving your regular Reiju Empowerments will also help you to strengthen your Reiji Ho abilities. As you merge fully and become one with the Reiki energy, you will be able to ‘connect’ to your client (human or animal) before you meet face to face. You can ask questions about the problem or ask what healing is needed. Then take time to sit quietly and notice the answers you are given. When you then see your client face to face you will be ready to focus on the areas that you have previously intuited. The following will help you to become one with the Reiki energy: · Bring your hands into Gassho (prayer position) and close your eyes · Take a long deep breath and call upon Mikao Usui, Ascended Masters, Reiki Guides, your Spirit Guides, Archangels and your Angels. · Visualise your connection with the Reiki energy coming down through your Crown Chakra. · Bring your hands up to your Third Eye Chakra and ask that you are guided to where the energy is most needed. · Slowly bring your hands down and let the energy flow and guide your hands without forcing them. · Feel yourself merging with the Reiki energy and allow your hands go where they want to, even if this is away from the body. · Focus on the energy and be aware of the messages you are given whether it is through pictures (visual), sounds (auditory), feelings (kinaesthetic), sense of smell (olfactory) or taste (gustatory) and just let your hands move easily and freely. · When you feel the energy dissipate, simply disconnect from the Reiki energy. · Finally, thank your guides and the Universe for allowing you to work with the energy for the highest good of all concerned. Intuitive Reiki – Humans and Horses Humans I usually start a human Reiki treatment using a couple of standard hand placements – hands on the shoulders first to connect with the client’s energy and then on the head which helps to calm the client’s mind. After that I use my intuition and often find that my hands, eyes, or breath are guided to various placements that I haven’t anticipated (after understanding what the client’s issues are). By trusting my intuition and the Reiki to go where needed, I achieve the best outcome for the client. Horses With horses, it is a little more interesting as although I am often informed by the owner what the specific problem is with the horse, I always use my intuition and let my hands, breath or focus go to where I am guided by the energy. Using standard hand positions often just don’t work as the horse will like some positions and not others, so intuition is the only way. The horse also lets me know where the energy is needed. Often the horse will simply move his body to where he wants the energy. We really work together as a team. Again, I always achieve the best outcome by allowing the Reiki to flow and to do its thing! I hope this has given you some help with using your intuition. In love, light, peace and harmony. Jane |